From Royalty to a Call Girl
Posted by Kristy
All right, all of my blog friends: buckle in, because this post is going to be a long one. It's been a while since I've updated this, but now that I've got some pictures, here is a little look at how I became Kristy Lacey. The call girl reference is because I've been told by many people that Kristy Lacey is a call girl/stripper/you-name-it kind of name, which is great if I ever decide to go down that route because then I won't even have to think of a clever name for myself. Anyways, here are some pictures of our gorgeous and freezing wedding day. Let me remind you it was only 24 degrees that day, so it's amazing that anyone is smiling in any picture. For more wedding details keep checking my mom's blog because she's got video and many more pictures than I do.
I have to agree with my sister Kacey that my sealer was incredible. It was so awesome to see all of my family, relatives. Even some of my mission friends and other old friends were there. It really meant a lot to see everyone. Even one of my best friends ever, Kari Sunderland, was there waiting for me as I exited the temple. Here she is hugging Trevor with me in the background:

The group shot:

The Earl clan:

The Fam-Damily:

My new family:

Here is my new favorite picture of my Dad! He just looks so giddy:

And here's a big THANK YOU to my amazing mom. She is one incredible woman:

Luckily, I think all of my siblings will eventually forgive me for destroying Christmas this year. Here are my bridesmaids (Courtney, Kylie, Kendall) and me. I love their outfits:

My mom hired an intense videographer, so as soon as we walked out of the temple, this guy controlled our every action. I'm not even kidding. Every second was "look lovingly at each other. No, not like that; like this. Now kiss him. Kiss him more gently. Touch foreheads. Lean on his shoulder. No, more like this." Trevor and I joke that on our wedding day we had a lot of "manufactured memories." The video will be great, but at the time, it seemed a little controlling.
Here are some shots that were taken under his control:

Luckily most pictures turned out like this:

...even though a lot of the videographer's commands made us feel like this:

Luckily, Cortney is a great photographer so we got a lot of great shots despite the craziness. Don't you love my fake nails in this picture?

"The real reason we got married"...AKA my nephew Rhode:

Our modeling shot:

Now on to the reception. The Lacey's were in charge of it and they did a great job. Unfortunately because of bad weather that day, many people couldn't come. Now, the Lacey's have 48 gallons of leftover Dreyer's Peppermint Icecream in their freezer. The reception was great, and I got to see a lot of my friends there like Liberty Baker Woodland. She's the greatest.
Of course, no Earl reception would be complete without some type of dancing. So when the least-coordinated girl in the David Earl clan gets married, what do you do? You rock the reception, that's what! My sister Courtney (who is a star ballroom dancer at BYU) taught Trevor and I how to waltz. The production started out with us, but then went on to the wedding party boys, the bridesmaids, the wedding party, the Earls, and finally to everyone. It was pretty fun.
Who doesn't love a party where everyone breaks out in choreographed dance?

After the production, we kept the music on and rocked out for awhile.

I love this picture of Ashley. Classic.
Even my niece, Scarlet, got in on the action. Usually, she's not a huge fan of mine, but with my magical wedding dress powers, she loved me.

And we can't forget the cake cutting and the bouquet toss. Okay, so just a little bit about this cake. It was supposed to look like this:

And ended up looking like this:
Luckily, it tasted all right. Let's just say I've learned my lesson not to order cakes from a blog.
You'll need to see the cake we had at the Moses Lake reception. Becky O'Neill made it, and it was absolutely divine. Just a tad bit better than the one above....
Throwing the bouquet was really fun. I had no idea how high or hard to throw it, but it turned out well. Trevor made a little flipchart that shows the bouquet toss in all of it's glory. My favorite part is how determined Kari is to catch it:

Too bad. In the end, the boquet was always meant for Courtney. Will she get married before Brad?

Courtney's reaction to catching the bouquet:

My boots that I wore under my dress. Pretty sweet huh?

After it was all over Trevor and I gleefully walked back to his car...

...until we saw what they did to it:

It was completely covered in snow. They even put a little heart outline on it. Clever.
It was a great day. Thank you to everyone that was able to make it.
I have to agree with my sister Kacey that my sealer was incredible. It was so awesome to see all of my family, relatives. Even some of my mission friends and other old friends were there. It really meant a lot to see everyone. Even one of my best friends ever, Kari Sunderland, was there waiting for me as I exited the temple. Here she is hugging Trevor with me in the background:

The group shot:

The Earl clan:

The Fam-Damily:

My new family:

Here is my new favorite picture of my Dad! He just looks so giddy:

And here's a big THANK YOU to my amazing mom. She is one incredible woman:

Luckily, I think all of my siblings will eventually forgive me for destroying Christmas this year. Here are my bridesmaids (Courtney, Kylie, Kendall) and me. I love their outfits:

My mom hired an intense videographer, so as soon as we walked out of the temple, this guy controlled our every action. I'm not even kidding. Every second was "look lovingly at each other. No, not like that; like this. Now kiss him. Kiss him more gently. Touch foreheads. Lean on his shoulder. No, more like this." Trevor and I joke that on our wedding day we had a lot of "manufactured memories." The video will be great, but at the time, it seemed a little controlling.
Here are some shots that were taken under his control:

Luckily most pictures turned out like this:

...even though a lot of the videographer's commands made us feel like this:

Luckily, Cortney is a great photographer so we got a lot of great shots despite the craziness. Don't you love my fake nails in this picture?

"The real reason we got married"...AKA my nephew Rhode:

Our modeling shot:

Now on to the reception. The Lacey's were in charge of it and they did a great job. Unfortunately because of bad weather that day, many people couldn't come. Now, the Lacey's have 48 gallons of leftover Dreyer's Peppermint Icecream in their freezer. The reception was great, and I got to see a lot of my friends there like Liberty Baker Woodland. She's the greatest.

Who doesn't love a party where everyone breaks out in choreographed dance?

After the production, we kept the music on and rocked out for awhile.

I love this picture of Ashley. Classic.

Even my niece, Scarlet, got in on the action. Usually, she's not a huge fan of mine, but with my magical wedding dress powers, she loved me.

And we can't forget the cake cutting and the bouquet toss. Okay, so just a little bit about this cake. It was supposed to look like this:

And ended up looking like this:

You'll need to see the cake we had at the Moses Lake reception. Becky O'Neill made it, and it was absolutely divine. Just a tad bit better than the one above....
Throwing the bouquet was really fun. I had no idea how high or hard to throw it, but it turned out well. Trevor made a little flipchart that shows the bouquet toss in all of it's glory. My favorite part is how determined Kari is to catch it:

Too bad. In the end, the boquet was always meant for Courtney. Will she get married before Brad?

Courtney's reaction to catching the bouquet:

My boots that I wore under my dress. Pretty sweet huh?

After it was all over Trevor and I gleefully walked back to his car...

...until we saw what they did to it:

It was completely covered in snow. They even put a little heart outline on it. Clever.
It was a great day. Thank you to everyone that was able to make it.
Yay Kristy! I loved reading about your wedding. I was so sad that so many of my family members got to go and I didn't! YOu look beautiful and it sounds like it was a blast. I love everything about it. And that picture of ashley is SUPER classic. haha.
ReplyDeleteIt was fun reading about your wedding! Everyone looks fabulous and you look SO happy!! Congratulations again!
ReplyDeleteMy favorites were Kari trying to catch the bouquet, the car buried in the snow, and your model shot (I think your new hubby presents some mean competition in that shot; he might even be more of a natural than you :D ) By the way LOVED the dress, gorgeous! (you too obviously). Congratulations! Still a little distraught that I wasn't there.
ReplyDeleteWith you living in Washington, I don't know how often we'll be seeing each other, but hopefully we can make it happen sometime. Love Ya!
It's one thing that Kacey wedding blogged before me but it's really sad that I didn't get my wedding blog done before you did considering that you spent 10 days in Cancun. Yikes! It was a great day and I am still trying to sort through the pictures. How did you get the bouquet toss to post like that? So cool. Can't wait for the Cancun post!
ReplyDeleteKRISTY!!! Finally! I'm glad you finally posted because I've been dying to see your dress, reception, bouquet etc...
ReplyDeleteIt looked soo pretty, even if you did have a crazy videographer and it was 24 degrees :)
I'm so so sad I missed it...stupid snow storm!
Congratulations yo!
I have said before, and I will say it again, you make a beautiful bride. Love your commentary on the day. I am only slightly embarrassed about the bouquet catching. I cannot believe Courtney got it!
ReplyDeleteoh my...I don't know why I can't act normal infront of the camera. Yikes. I love you kristy (and trevor) and I am so glad I got to be there.
ReplyDeleteI don't know how I missed this post! Somehow I didn't catch that you had posted on my reader... crazy. Anyway, fabulous stuff there sis. You did make a pretty rockin bride. Too bad youre just old and married now.
ReplyDeleteBTW threw in a Kristy joke in my latest post. Enjoy!